

Otoplasty is the medical term that refers to a surgical procedure that would change the shape and/or position of the ear. The most common indication is the patient with prominent, but normally shaped, ears.

The outcome of ear reshaping surgery varies greatly depending on the changes that are desired, but these procedures generally improve self-confidence, especially in children and teenagers. If the ears stick out, ear pinning surgery can be performed to flatten the ears against the head. If one ear is positioned higher than the other, ear repositioning can create symmetry.


Benefits include:

  • Improved self-confidence

  • Improved profile

  • Improved appearance of the face

  • Improved facial symmetry


Otoplasty, ear pinning surgery, is accomplished by skin excision and altering the ear cartilage. This includes placement of permanent sutures to hold the cartilage of the ear in its new position. There will usually be no sutures to remove as sutures are placed inside the ear and are not visible.

Dr. Edgar Sosa is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, who has treated hundreds of cases in which facial cosmetic and plastic surgery were needed to correct the symmetry of the face and ears.

It is expected that these surgical procedures are done under general anesthesia in the outpatient department of the hospital or in a certified surgery center. All Orlando Plastic Surgery Associates surgery cases that are performed in an ambulatory surgical facility are fully accredited to meet strict standards of the AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities).


After recovery from surgery, you will be discharged home with care instructions. You will be sent home with pain medication, care instructions, and a compression garment to reduce fluid retention and swelling.

Ear pinning surgery is preferentially done under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. It is important to protect the ears after the procedure for up to 6 weeks.

Bruising is noted after any surgical procedures. At about the third day after surgery, expect the area to be a deep purple, which will travel with gravity outside of the surgical area and be noticeable for 3-6 weeks.

Dr. Edgar Sosa will continue postoperative care in the weeks following your surgery to ensure proper healing and satisfactory results.

For optimal results, always select a board-certified plastic surgeon. Surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery have undergone extensive training in the field of both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.

Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess.

For more information about otoplasty, or any other of our services, we're one click away.